Monday, May 4, 2009

5-2-09 Day at Grandpa's

Another day at Grandpa's. Most kids go to their grandparents for a vacation. Well Alex goes to his Grandpa's and works. We went down to South Bend after swimming class on Sat. This time we brought down my girlfriend. That way she could be outside watching Alex while I was workin in Dad's office. Alex and Debbie picked up the ig sticks and raked out the bushes and then Dad mulched up the leaves as good as he could. Had a beautiful day. Dad wanted to get on the roof and clean that but that goodness we ran out of time.

Alex watching Grandpa mow over his leave piles.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Looks like he had fun working at Grandpa's! I'm glad you didn't get on the rough with your dad! :)