Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend with the Brown's

The Brown's came up for a short visit. Happy to report that everyone had a good time. We tried to pack a lot of things in a short amount of time. We had silly string, water balloons, went to a lake, dug in the dirt, a cookout, icecream and played with the Wii. It was the first time Alex had a friend sleep over in his room. The plan was to tire the boys out so they would fall right asleep and no silly business at night. IT WORKED !! Alex and Jared are not aware of it but they have know each other almost all their lives. The first time they met was in Russia five years ago. They are about 3 weeks apart in age. Evie was to cute for words. "Hi everybody" was heard every time she entered the room. Even Dad said it was fun have so many little ones around for the day.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Love the pictures and REALLY LOVED the visit. We're looking forward to another one....soon!!