Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mark at Dad's

Alex, Dad and I went down on Friday night for a weekend at the River. Sat morning Dad powerwashed the windows on the outside of the house and I continued to clean/declutter the house. Mark pulled into the driveway just after lunch and right away started on the driveway. It was a joint effort. Mark and Dad both were swinging the hammer. Alex and I would fill the wheelbarrel and haul away the big chunks. We then filled the empty space with rocks. I think it looks pretty good. After a dinner of Pizza we all took turns powerwashing the back deck. Sunday morning Mark and Dad fixed the toilet in the room off the family room. Sunday while Dad and I were at church, Mark went up on the roof and swept it clean. After Alex fell asleep on Sat night, Dad, Mark , & I sat up talking. After Dad went to bed, Mark and I stayed up talking till around 3. I think it was like that when Ron was down and Randy also. Alot of work and a late night of chit chat.

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