Monday, May 25, 2009

5-25 Memorial Day

After dinner we went down to the beach again. I chatted with one of my brothers and Alex played in the water.

5-23 Day at the beach

Alex and I went to the local beach. I love that it is blocks from the house. Alex likes digging in the sand.

5-18 Another game

Alex is really having fun in soccer. They all are getting better every day. Even his PT has noticed a change in him since we started.

Hey Alex, there is a game going on over here.....

5-17 Nap time

Dad is taking a rest after a day in the sun and yard.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

5-13-09 Soccer game

Alex is having fun in soccer. He likes the games more than the practices. And all the kids like the treat time at the end of the game/practice.

Monday, May 4, 2009

5-2-09 Day at Grandpa's

Another day at Grandpa's. Most kids go to their grandparents for a vacation. Well Alex goes to his Grandpa's and works. We went down to South Bend after swimming class on Sat. This time we brought down my girlfriend. That way she could be outside watching Alex while I was workin in Dad's office. Alex and Debbie picked up the ig sticks and raked out the bushes and then Dad mulched up the leaves as good as he could. Had a beautiful day. Dad wanted to get on the roof and clean that but that goodness we ran out of time.

Alex watching Grandpa mow over his leave piles.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Soccer practice

I signed Alex up for spring soccer this year. He wanted to last year but it was to late to get him on a team. So far he is liking it. Reminds me of watching the twins and Craig playing hockey at an early age. When one falls the whole team goes down.