Sunday, October 26, 2008

10-26 Alex's 6th Birthday party

For Alex's 6th Birthday, we had a small party on Sunday. Uncle Mike and family, Grandma Mickey and Grandpa Curt, Miss Debbie came over and we had some dinner, cake, presents and Wii time.

Cones, thanks mom !!!!!
Is there money in here Miss Debbie??
Yes there is !!!!!
Cars !!!!!!
Grandpa Curt playing Wii
Uncle Mike bowling.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

10-25 Howell Downtown party

Howell Downtown had a Halloween party on Sat. night. If you can not tell Alex went as a house painter. Downtown had trick n treating, hay rides, a haunted train, a bon fire. It was nice. Alex, Grandpa, and I went down for a bit. We toured Haunted Alley, the train, and even the hay ride. It was a bit chilly but dry.

10-23 Alex's 6th Birthday

Alex turned 6 on a Thursday. So we went out to Applebee's for dinner and then home for some cake and presents from Mom, Dad and Grandpa. Alex is looking forward to Sunday when we will have his Birthday party with others. He already opened the cards and gifts he received in the mail.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Oct 18 and 19th Misc photos

Alex in the Morris backyard
Alex chatting with Grandma Morris

Dad and Jerry chatting
Playing a game of dominos

10-18 New fire pit at Grandpa Morris's house

We were out looking at the yard and Grandpa Morris talked about getting rid of that big tree stump because it was to tall to drive his lawn mower over. So LuAnn said Lets burn it out. So we dug around the stump and Alex went and gathered lots of tree branchs to burn. A built in fire pit.

Look at the flame.....
Fire still going and it's getting dark.

10-18 Geer's Pumkin patch

Alex, Grandpa & I drove to Cadillac for the weekend. On Sat. Oct 18th we went to a local pumkin patch with Grandma & Grandpa Morris and LuAnn. Here are some of the photos.

Notice the size of the pumkins by the bus. These are the ones we took home in the end.

Alex had a blast climbing on the hay bales

Mommy and Alex...
The gang on a wagon ride.

Which one should we pick?
LuAnn and Grandpa which one looks good to you?

Grandpa Morris looking for the perfect one.

LuAnn, this one still has the vine on it still.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

10-12-08 Howell firehouse open house

On Sunday afternoon Alex, Grandpa and I went to the firehouse open house. Got to see and get on many rescue vehicles.

Alex got to use the hose and try to put out a fire.

Direct hit for Alex.

Alex wanted to take a picture of Grandpa.

This would be a cooler chopper if it was Green and White.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yard work

This past weekend was really really nice. So we got busy and did some yard work. Dad planted more bulbs in the flower bed. Then we started putting out some of the Fall yard decorations.