Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Alex had to build something out of toothpicks and marshmallows for his math homework. He built a house, swing set and sandbox. But I think he ate more than he built.

Easter 2008

Easter morning Alex got up and have to find his basket. That silly bunny hid it on him.

Alex had to wear jeans to church. I had two pairs of dress pants that he wore at Christmas and they were to small. I never even thought to see if they still fit. We can blame that on tax season.

After church we went outside to play for a bit. The yard was once again covered with snow from the storm on Friday.

After dinner Alex and Todd went on an egg hunt in the front yard.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cookies and eggs

With St Patty's day and Easter so close this year, Alex and I prepared for both on the same Sunday. We made some shamrock cookies for his classroom and then colored some eggs for home. I am now all out of green sprinkles.

Alex likes to help in the kitchen. He had to touch the egg pot because he did not believe me whtn I said it was not hot yet. Notice that not all the eggs made it into the pot. He said that it was just an "accident" that it got broke. I also made him change his shirt before we dyed the eggs. Good move on mom's part.

Howell had their Easter "party" for the kids they did a marshmallow drop. The kids had to gather up as many as they could for prizes and if they found the "special" ones (peeps) they received a special prize. Alex had a blast. Then they had the night egg hunt in the school this year. It was to wet and cold for the kids to have it outside. So they had most of the lights off in the school and the kids got to run the halls looking for eggs. I have to say last year when we were outside it was more fun running in the field with flashlights.

Once again I posted the pictures in the wrong order. Preview from the bottom and go up.